Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blood work came back ok

Hi everyone

Well the mystery continues…...my blood work all came back normal (at least for the things they test for) so now we have to start thinking that maybe this is something unrelated to cancer. One  pitfall of cancer, if you aren’t careful, is that you tend to associate everything that happens to you with it. It is just as likely that I have some condition that shows itself as vertigo. Who knows, I don't have time to be sick right now, I’m too busy having cancer!!! LOL….


Seriously my plan is to just ride this out for a couple of weeks with the meds I have and see what happens. It will either go away or it won't and then I can work with my primary physician on it.  I’m sure he is going to love trying to figure this one out!!


I did have a pretty good week overall though, no mouth sores this week!!


I head to Week 7 on Friday as strong as can be expected given where we are. I am starting to feel the cumulative effects of the chemo though. It is taking almost the entire “free” week to recover from the “bad” week, which leaves little to no time to get caught up for the next round. I especially notice this at work..my concentration is shot and I have a very difficult time doing the most basic tasks. I know I will be going on disability here shortly..probably after the first of the year. That’s ok though, I have great benefits for this and my boss is very supportive.


I hope everyone is almost ready for Christmas. Take some time this week and stop rushing around and think about what is important, like…”I wonder if I will get any chocolate for Christmas??”

Peace and love…and chocolate for ALL my friends!


1 comment:

  1. Dear John.
    There... you are rewarded lots of CHOCOLATE!
    in your Santa Stocking! I told Santa to make sure you had lots and lots!..(you have been good!, I told Santa)
    Nice that you didn't have mouth sores this week...may that good news continue for as long as you need to go thru this adventure.
    We always, pray for you, and your partner, knowing that you will keep Jesus in your life, and celebrate His Birthday with lots of Chocolate!... Hugs... Joanne and Bill
